Pretty, Polished, Perfect.: How To: Belts, Part II

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How To: Belts, Part II

More often than not, I am in-between sizes.  This phenomenon also happens with belts.  There is usually about one inch in between the many holes (to accommodate for bloating? haha) the manufacturers add to a belt's tongue.  Was that last sentence confusing to anyone else??  While the many holes are supposed to be a convenience, I usually need to buckle my belt right in between two of those holes.  Never one to wear a belt too tight or too loose, I took to The Mr's tools:

Placing a piece of wood underneath the belt, hammer a nail (should be approximate diameter of belt's prong) about 1 centimeter deep.   Slide the belt up and down the nail a few times.  Remove the nail and voila!

Now I know there is actually a leather tool that will punch holes in leather for you - my father has one.  This tool is long as you have ample amount of hand muscle to make it punch through that leather (I don't.) 

Have extra tongue and you don't want to wrap, knot or tie it off?  Here are two easy (and readily available) tricks:

Elastic hair bands - simply twist it around the tongue and slide it to whatever point necessary to create your own extra strap to secure the excess tongue with.

I recommend using a hair band of a similar (or exact) color, but I wanted to use contrast for this picture.
Velcro manufactures a version that has a sticky back.  They come in strips and "dots", in white or black.  Velcro works best on a belt that you know you will always belt at the same hole (i.e., not a belt you sometimes wear at the waist, and sometimes at the hips.)  The great think I love about the Velcro sticky backs is that they have great staying power, but are also easily removed (and don't leave that sticky mess behind!)

I hope that between yesterday's post and today's, I have solved all of your belting problems - lol!

What do you think?  Have I inspired you to pick up your hammer?

p.s. Be sure to come back Thursday (10/11) for a Huge Giveaway Event!

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At October 13, 2012 at 8:03 AM , Blogger KBranscombe said...

I discovered in a pinch that scrap booking glue dots are also great to keep my belt down.


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