Pretty, Polished, Perfect.: April 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

TripleP Giveaway: Mother's Day + Meadowbelle Market

We've got just under two weeks to finalize our plans and special gifts for our mothers. To help out, Meadowbelle would like to offer one lucky a reader a personalized sterling silver initial necklace.

I first met the owners and designers behind Meadowbelle Market at a Zaarly event (if they have a Zaarly event in your city, I highly recommend attending!) I asked my usual twenty questions and ended up buying an initial necklace in gold - they were super nice and let me customize the necklace, all the way down to the chain it was on.

The giveaway ends May 7th, so if you plan to give this as a gift, it will be in the form of a special code (sorry, there won't be enough time for shipping before May 12th!) Good luck to all!

 *please follow the link if the Rafflecopter form isn't showing up.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Looking for more Mother's Day Gifts?  Enter more giveaways below:

This giveaway brought to you in part by Still Blonde After All These Years and Modly Chic.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Anniversaries and Parties, Oh My!

What's more fun than celebrating an anniversary with a party?  Shopping and partying.  That's what.

Rumor has it there will be champagne cocktails (I don't know what that actually means, but people seem to like all things champagne, so......,) a braid bar, express manicures and that giveaway?  Worth $100! 
See you there.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Granite Flats, Stolen From The Boys

I received an interesting email asking if I might be interested in taking a peek at the newest family tv drama show to hit the BYUtv airwaves: Granite Flats.  The show is set in the 1960s, and they had me at "vintage fashion."

I suckered The Mr into watching it with me late one evening (it's safe for kids, but have you ever tried to watch tv with three little boys running around?!) and let me tell you - it was almost shocking (gasp!) to be reminded of how terribly different life was then.  The social aspect alone.......the things we couldn't get away with now (a-kid-riding-shotgun-with-his-Sheriff-to-check-out-a-burglary-take-a-deep-breath?!)  But who cares about that really?  (Just kidding.)  Let's talk about the costumes.  I am sooooo glad I'm not sooooo ancient that I had to succumb to the trends of the early 1960s (assuming I wouldn't have been part of the hippie movement, or into that classic rock 'n' roll.)  Everything was so.....prim and stinking proper.  Popped collars?  I think not.  A single hair out of place?  Oh no you di'int!  I'd like to think if I had been born in that era, my penchant for rebellion would have led me to wear something as scandalous as this (sans bangs) :

Pants: Jennifer Lopez for Kohls (I know, right? but just in case, here's a similar pair)
Shoes: Converse (why do I feel like I just stated the obvious here?)

Which, by the way, is borrowed from the boys.  

Women don't wear pants and Converse tennies are meant for little boys (and their dark-rinse, rolled cuff, cute-as-heck Levi's) in the little town of Granite Flats.  Chock full of Communist references (I'm not even sure if my sons know what that is yet!) and enough male condescension to make a feminist flip her lid, this show is actually thought-provoking and well.....what are all those mysterious flying objects?!

Have I hooked you yet?  The next episode airs April 14 at 6pm (Mountain Standard Time - hey, it is BYUtv after all!) and you can catch up on previous episodes online at

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Social KC: The Mission Project + Tulip Boutique

By now you may have guessed that I love:

a) dressing up

b) hats 


c) a good cause.  

These lovely ladies put together a fun little social hour (or two) of shopping, mingling and munching:

Robin - owner of Tulip, Kara Cowie (blue dress,) blogger at, and a rep. from The Mission Project.  I was so impressed with their genuine kindness and authenticity - I can't say that about everyone I meet!

Proceeds of the evening's sales went to The Mission Project, and the sole reason Tulip had brought in a beautiful array of hats: the upcoming Run for the Roses Kentucky Derby Gala.

A chance to dress up, wear a spectacular hat and support a fantastic charity?  Sign me up, please.
And what do you do when there is a professional photographer at an event?  Post a heck of a lot of a pictures, that's what:

Trying on hats, and the accursed Social Media shot (hey, someone's got to do it, lol!
Jamie of White Table Style, Ngan of enVe Designs, and Emily, co-founder of K CBlogger Meetup
Are you ready for this? L to R: Charity, me, Lisa, Sarah, Julie, Emily, Kat, Sarah, Jamie, Kara, Melina, Ngan
I had to include this picture of two of the sweetest bloggers I know - Julie and Kara!  These are the sisters I wish I had, lol!